AIR-SKIN ANSI A6 Schnittfeste Armstulpen S902
AIR-SKIN ANSI A6 Schnittfeste Armstulpen S902
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- 【Hochrisiko-Schnittschutz】 - Unsere schnittfesten A6-Hüllen bieten hervorragenden Schutz und halten über 3000 Gramm Schnittlast stand – mehr als dreimal so stark wie herkömmliche A3-Hüllen. Diese Hüllen wurden speziell für Hochrisikosituationen entwickelt und gewährleisten einen robusten Schutz gegen schwere Schnittgefahren.
- 【Leicht und atmungsaktiv】 - Unsere Ärmel sind aus dünneren, feineren Garnen gefertigt und weisen mehr Stiche pro Zoll auf. Sie sind dichter gewebt und wiegen pro Flächeneinheit nur 50 % der üblichen schnittfesten Ärmel der A3-Klasse. Dadurch sind sie außergewöhnlich leicht und bequem und bieten ein federähnliches Gefühl wie eine zweite Haut, das Sie auch bei heißem Wetter kühl hält.
- 【Komfortable Daumenloch-Innovation】 - Unser Design eliminiert die Masse und Einschränkung herkömmlicher Ärmel. Die dünne Handfläche aus Faserstrick mit Daumenschlitz verhindert, dass der Ärmel hochrutscht, und reduziert die Masse, sodass Sie präzise und mühelos arbeiten können.
- 【LSF 50+ Sonnenschutz】 – Verabschieden Sie sich vom erneuten Auftragen von Sonnenschutzmitteln alle 10 Minuten! Unsere kühlenden Armstulpen bieten professionellen Schutz. Diese von zertifizierten Institutionen getesteten Sonnenschutzstulpen bieten einen durchschnittlichen UV-Schutzfaktor (UPF) von 160,46, mit einer UVA-Blockierungsrate von 98,44 % und einer UVB-Blockierungsrate von 99,55 %. Bleiben Sie cool und selbstbewusst, egal, was Sie tun
- 【Vielseitige tägliche Anwendungen】 - Von der Geräteherstellung bis hin zur Automobilindustrie, dem Bauwesen, der Glashandhabung, der maschinellen Bearbeitung, der Metallhandhabung, der Wartung und der Montage sind diese Hülsen so konzipiert, dass sie die vielfältigen Anforderungen verschiedener Branchen erfüllen und gleichzeitig Sicherheit und Sichtbarkeit im Vordergrund stellen.

Artikel gesamt
And these forearm protectors were some thing I had to think twice about before I ordered them, but upon receipt of the product, I would never try a pruning operation as challenging as what I used these to protect me from without them.As I’ve gotten older, like many people, my skin has become thinner and I couldn’t believe how many nicks and tears I accumulated in short order before using these sleeves.Though I did prune a few roses, for the most part, my activities involved, aggressive pruning of some six-year-old schip laurel shrubs I had planned across the front of my house, five years earlier, which grew beautifully, but much too large without attention.To anyone who could use arm protection and is tentative about buying something like this, I hardly recommend that you “get over it” and finish each day intact, rather than looking like a World War II veteran off the battlefront.Ciao
I wear sleeves for thin skin, and UV protection every work day. Sleeves purchased from another vendor wore very fast, especially around the thumb. Based on reviews I purchased the Shewer 903 series. While putting up tools at end of day my elbow slammed into a bent piece of aluminum on my truck cap. very sharp and pointed. No cut, or skin damage
Being someone that is in stage IV Renal failure, they had to put a fistula in my left arm. Which is essentially a super vein. Just so happens that my line of work revolves around chainsaws, hand saws, thorns, and Brian's amongst many other things that could cut me. This sleeve is not only light, very stretchy without being too tight to cut off any circulation, or getting too hot, all while keeping my arm safe from what could potentially be disastrous for me. So far it's for sure worked on the pumps as, in Hong I never have to test a chainsaw lol. Schemer knew what they were doing when bringing this product to the market. And to any fellow friends on dialysis that also have a career in the tree trimming world, this item here is your best friend. "Chaps for your arms" (without the uncomfortability)!!!
I have regular one for sport, but I want to try this one for doing heavy duty work such as cut tree, bushes, and specially poison ivy. The regular one will help prevent from sun or sweat. However, this one is for cut resistant. I appreciate that the branding is discretely tucked inside, so they just look like sleeves. There is no rubber backing on the uppermost part of the sleeve, but they did not budge all day despite a lot of movement. Another plus is that the material does not attract lint. That was a big issue with the other sleeves I tried. These sleeves are exactly like what I see. They don't stay wet when I sweat, and these fit me fine without being too tight. I think I will get an extra pairs, so I will have a backup. These are not only high quality, but they're also inexpensive, and I highly recommend them.
Summary: I have been doing tree felling work, using a chainsaw. The relevant safety equipment is chaps to protect your legs, and gloves (cut resistant) to protect your hands, but that leaves your forearms relatively unprotected (from abrasion and cuts). That's where these arm sleeves come in.Observations: These are stated as being ANSI A6 level. Do know that around 2016, ANSI changed their rating system from 1-5, over to 1-9, so these are a little above middle. There is also a European standard, EN388.Recommendations: For sleeves, basically two styles, elastic only, or velcro adjustable (which these are). I have only really used long sleeve (non-cut resistant) sleeves, so I'm not quite sure how the velcro adjustments will work).Pros: Purpose built safety equipment; bright (safety) coloring.Cons: Schwer, made in China, unsure if they are a dedicated/specialty safety equipment manufacturer.Conclusion: At $14, these are relatively low cost, rating these initially 4-stars, and will update upon more use (especially the safety/cut resistant aspect).