PRO-SKIN ANSI A9 Schnittfeste Armstulpen S904 für die Arbeit
PRO-SKIN ANSI A9 Schnittfeste Armstulpen S904 für die Arbeit
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- Ultimativer Schnittschutz: Diese schnittfesten Ärmel entsprechen dem höchsten Schnittfestigkeitsstandard ANSI A9 und sind damit die erste Wahl für höchsten Schnittschutz. Dank der Leichtschalentechnologie sind diese Ärmel über 50 % leichter als vergleichbare A9-Ärmel und bieten dennoch den gleichen Schnittschutz. Die Schildgrafik ist farbcodiert, sodass die Schnittstärke auch aus der Ferne leicht zu erkennen ist.
- Cooles Komfortdesign: Unsere Armstulpen sind mit 13-Gauge-Material gefertigt und bieten höchsten Komfort in heißen Umgebungen oder auf Baustellen im Freien. Die spezielle Konstruktion sorgt für ein kühleres Gefühl und macht sie zur idealen Lösung für lang anhaltenden Komfort, perfekt für Personen mit dünner und empfindlicher Haut.
- Vielseitige Größen und sichere Passform: Diese Armschutzmanschetten sind in 18-Zoll-Längen erhältlich und verfügen über einen hochwertigen Klettverschluss, der für alle Armgrößen geeignet ist. Der Daumenschlitz in Verbindung mit einer dünnen Handfläche aus Faserstrick verhindert ein Hochrutschen und minimiert das Volumen beim Tragen von Handschuhen, wodurch eine sichere Passform den ganzen Tag über gewährleistet wird.
- Keine Glasfaser: Im Gegensatz zu gewöhnlichen Ärmeln mit Glasfasern bestehen unsere Arbeitsärmel aus ultraflexiblem Hochleistungspolyethylen und Metalldraht. Erleben Sie außergewöhnlichen Komfort mit hervorragender Schnittfestigkeit, Flexibilität und Abriebfestigkeit, und das alles ohne den Juckreiz und die Reizung, die oft mit anderen Ärmeln verbunden sind.
- Breites Anwendungsspektrum: Diese Armschützer sind ideal für verschiedene tägliche Anwendungen und eignen sich perfekt für Branchen wie die Herstellung von Klimaanlagen, Fließbänder, Lebensmittelverarbeitung, den Umgang mit Messern und Kettensägen, Arbeiten im Automobilbereich, Elektroarbeiten, Metallverarbeitung, Sonderpädagogik, Lagerhaltung und Gartenarbeit.

These are really amazing arm protectors! I stabbed them with this sharpened kitchen knife (not with my arm inside) on a hard surface 5 times and then ran the blade in a strong cutting motion across them 5 times as well. You can barely tell they were touched. I've had different type of protectors before, but these truly appear to meet the A9 standard and it's pretty incredible to watch them be able to stop both types of cuts. They are well-designed with the velcro and thumbholes to provide good support and wear-ability. They seemed pretty comfortable as well, considering the level of protection they provide. 10/10.
I was excited to see these advertised as being for gardening, as well as many other uses, so I thought I would try a pair. They fit me well (5'9", 180 lbs, not real muscular) and were pretty comfortable to wear for several hours at a time. They also fit a larger male (6'3", 240 lbs, muscular).After receiving them and seeing how they were made, I wasn't sure how they would do in my gardening, where I work with a bunch of thorny berry plants. They didn't do a thing to keep me from getting stuck by the thorns, which poked right through the weave of the fabric and snagged it. I do plenty enough other stuff where these could be helpful, so wore them while assisting in an HVAC project in the basement. They actually saved my upper arm from a nasty slice from some sheet metal (although I still have a scrape and a bruise where it hit me). These aren't intended to be solid armor, so you will still likely show an injury if hit hard enough, but it keeps sharp edges from slicing your skin. The photo shows where the metal caught the sleeve.I guess for gardening they could be helpful if you work with a knife or sharp cutters/pruners, etc. I will likely use these for other projects, where they have already shown themselves to be helpful. They also store nicely in their zipper-top plastic bag. A good thing to have around!
They have an adjustable Velcro strap at the bicep to hold them up and they have a thumb hole to keep your hands free. They are pretty tough but lightweight and flexible. They can keep you from getting scratched up while landscaping with thick branches but have also used them to play with my new pup. He loves to jump up and grab an arm and bite into it in a playful way but with these on he doesn't get through to the skin. Very handy tool to keep around
These sleeves surprised me with how comfortable and thin they are. The material is very thin and flexible, it doesn't feel at all like a thick cut resistant glove I got years before, which works but is very thick metal weave. This is almost like thin sportswear and won't hamper movement at all. But if you scratch a very sharp box cutter blade along the surface, it won't enter. After several passes, I don't see any damage or threads cut. So most blades and tools, this should be able to protect from. Something extremely heavy like a chainsaw, I don't know, but it adds much peace of mind when working. These sleeves stay up well and aren't uncomfortable at all. They will be a good help when doing work with sharp tools.
I haven’t had an opportunity to inadvertently test the durability of these sleeves, but they do feel strong resistant to the touch. And despite the toughness of the fabric, they are pretty light. Something to note though, the sleeves are not breathable, I am wearing them as I write this review, and my body heat is being subtly trapped within. I could see myself sweating a lot in these on a hot summer day, but also appreciating a small added boost of warmth while pruning plants in autumn.The one problem they have is the elastic thumb hole area. My hands are size large in gloves, and already I’ve got some growing discomfort in the webbing between my thumbs and pointer fingers. Wearing gloves underneath would probably help, but these should have an adjustable system on the palm same as the Velcro strips on the upper part of the sleeves.Other than the flaw in the hand elastic area, these are priced great for the quality, I can’t wait to use them in earnest come spring time.