ANSI A5 Schnittfeste Armschutzärmel S081, flammfeste Schweißärmel für die Arbeit
ANSI A5 Schnittfeste Armschutzärmel S081, flammfeste Schweißärmel für die Arbeit
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- 【ANSI A5 SCHNITTFEST】- Schwer-Armschutzärmel sind aus einer Mischung aus Aramid, Edelstahldraht und Verbundfilamentfaser gestrickt, die Schnittschutz der ANSI-Stufe A5 bietet und Verletzungen durch scharfe Materialien wie Klingen, Trapezschaber, Glas, Fliesen usw. verhindert.
- 【Hervorragender Schutz vor Flammen】- Bei Kontakt mit Flammen quillt die Aramidfaser auf und wird dicker, wodurch eine Schutzbarriere zwischen der Wärmequelle und der Haut entsteht. Diese Schutzbarriere bleibt geschmeidig, bis sie abkühlt, und bietet dem Träger wichtige zusätzliche Sekunden Schutz, um zu entkommen. Unsere Ärmel aus Aramidgewebe sind flammhemmend und stellen sicher, dass kein Brennen, Schmelzen oder Tropfen entsteht.
- 【KEINE GLASFASER】- Wenn Ihre Haut mit Glasfaser in Kontakt kommt, kann dies zu einer Reizung führen, die als Glasfaserjuckreiz bekannt ist. Im Gegensatz zu gewöhnlichen Ärmeln mit Glasfaser bestehen unsere Ärmel aus ultraflexiblem Hochleistungspolyethylen und Edelstahldraht und gewährleisten hervorragende Schnittfestigkeit, Flexibilität und Abriebfestigkeit ohne Juckreiz und Reizung des Arms
- 【VOLLER ARMSCHUTZ】- Der 18-Zoll-Ärmel passt für die meisten Hände und Arme und hat ein Daumenloch, um den schnittfesten Ärmel an Ort und Stelle zu halten und zu verhindern, dass der Ärmel beim Heben oder Greifen am Arm hochrutscht. Dank der hervorragenden Dehnbarkeit passt sich dieser Armschutz nahezu jeder Armgröße an – ob groß oder klein
- 【MEHRZWECK】- Ein Muss für jede Baustelle, auf der Flammen und Funken eine Gefahr darstellen können. Diese Schutzärmel sind unnachgiebig, angenehm zu tragen und können zum Schutz Ihrer Arme bei der Arbeit mit Glas, Blechen, im Bergbau, beim Schneiden von Lebensmitteln und bei anderen Aufgaben verwendet werden. Ideal für Klimaanlagen, Fließbänder, Lebensmittelverarbeitung, Glashandhabung, Umgang mit Messerkettensägen, Automobil-, Elektro-, Metallverarbeitungsbedarfsschulung, Lagerhaltung und Gartenarbeit

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These will be used to protect my arms from cuts, scratches and bruises.Being on blood thinners, these are a must.
These are a significant bargain for the price, as you receive TWO pairs of these! The protection sleeves are soft as well as strong and they slip over your arms quite comfortably. They feel okay against bare skin and they also are flexible enough to stretch over a thick flannel workshirt. They stay securely in place as you work.I took photos to show the coverage and some uses for these. I am 5'4" and these gloves came up over my elbows. They might not cover quite that far on a bigger person but I think they are long enough to cover the forearms which is the area in need of most protection while working with landscaping projects and etc.We have overgrown briar patches in our yard and it's a major clearing project we were unhappy about having to do. These sleeves are literally making it all easier. We can work more efficiently and quickly, knowing that we are "scratch and thorn protected."I also included a photo of the sharp prongs of a cyclone fence, followed by a photo of me squashing my arm, hard, into those prongs. Total protection, no pain!LOVE these sleeves and expect to use them for even simpler outdoor projects such as hedge trimming, when carrying heavy rough objects (cinder blocks, etc.) and many other uses. Well made and super price!
I got these for my husband to use at work as he's always getting cut. I might also sneak in some use for when I'm pruning the rose bushes and getting the stems in the back that gloves just don't help with. They are lightweight and comfortable to wear. They are easy to pull on and off and actually stay in place with they are on. I was worried he'd have to constantly have to keep pulling them up. He can still wear gloves when needed during work while wearing the sleeve. They provide good protection and go up past the elbow. Just what he needed!
These are awesome!I got these for my son, who is infantry military. Sometimes ammo and other stuff burn or slice through his fatigues. (Actually this happens very often!)Thought, hey, I'll try these as they're less $$ so he can wear them during basic stuff and save his good ones for more important events.They fit well, they're definitely light weight. I used a pair to cut back my rose bush and I had no scratches on my arms for the first time ever! That sold me to get a set of my own.The material is thicker yet doesn't make me itchy or hot. As you can see in the video, basic knives don't slice through, however, I would be careful attempting to try it yourself as you never know. I just made the video to show how their durability. Again, I don't recommend trying it yourself.My son is thrilled to have these. He goes through gear like toilet paper so these are much needed. A few in his squad ordered some as well. I'm ordering another set for myself for gardening. Good to have around for various things.